Listening to: Sky Tower - Kirby's Return to Dream Land

Looking foward to things

09/09/24, morning

The past few days have been really slow. I'm finally on meds again, and they have been making my energy levels as low as ever (this is normal for the few weeks of taking them, it should get better after that). So I've mostly been resting and attempting to study when I can.

My grandma's fig tree.

I haven't done much this week, aside to giong to a friend's house to study and visiting my grandparents. We had an afternoon snack with them, and me and my dad picked figs from my grandma's tree.
It was nice, mostly because I haven't been seeing my grandparents as much now that I'm not a kid anymore.

Although these days have been really uneventful, I have quite some stuff to look foward to!

A dear pal of mine is coming to visit me late September! They'll be staying for a couple of days so I'm trying to plan out some activities we could do togheter and what I could show them in the area. And I'm also looking foward to class starting up again. I really miss the sense of routine that attending classes gives me, and not having somewhere I have to show-up daily is definetly making my mood worse. I'm likely going to have to re-enroll in the first year because I haven't passed enough courses due to my mental health, but that's fine, I did what I could.
I'm also looking foward for the new Fantasy Life game that is supposedly coming out soon for Switch. The release was planned for the 10th of October, but it has recently been delayed to an undefined date so I don't really know when it's coming. I'm just so excited about it! The original one for 3DS was one of my favorite games as a kid, and I've been looking for a nice cozy game to play to unwind.

watching Star Trek in bed.<3

When it comes to the next days, I have no particular plans other than working on the website and trying to study some more (and watching even more Star Trek). There is a bunch of DIYs I want to do, but I don't have enough energy for any of them at the moment. They're going to have to wait a while, but I'm going to get to it eventually.
I plan to keep this blog going somewhat weekly, but we'll see if I still have the motivation for it in a couple of months.