The tavern infopoint!
Why did I create a blog? (And why you should do it too) 
(I still have to write this part. Long story short the current web sucks ass, and I am extremly tired of mainstream social media platofrms.)
How did I create a blog? (And why you can do it too)
Maybe you resonated with what stated in the previous paragraph, and are now interested in how I did it because you want to try it out yourself. Or maybe you already have a blog and are just curious. Anyways!-
This blog was (almost entirely) coded from scratch by me! Yay!!
Unfortunately, if you are expecting me to point you to the resources I used to learn HTML and CSS, you’re out of luck. I never really used a specific resource to learn how to make websites. Instead, I went around blogs I liked using the inspect tool of my browser and trying to figure out how they worked, while googling the bits I couldn’t understand by myself. This approach might not work for everyone, as I was already quite tech savvy when I started and I always had an easy time figuring out IT stuff. However, absolutely anyone can learn HTML and CSS! It might take a bit of time to grasp how it works, but at the end of the day making a website is kinda like making a Powerpoint with extra steps.There are plenty of free resources on the web that will take you through the journey step-by-step, and by the end you’ll definitely be better at it than the people that are learning by imitation like me.
If you are doubtful that you’ll be able to learn how to make a blog, or are simply too overwhelmed by the idea, you can always use a free template! I know some users on here are a bit judgy of people using templates, but I assure you there is no shame in it!
This website was made on a 1,920 x 1,080 monitor and tested on Firefox! It's not optimized for mobile devices but it should still be functional.
It was coded entirely on Notepad++ and uses Catbox.moe as the main hosting service. All original artwork (including pixel graphics) is made on Procreate.
Can I use assets from your website for mine? 
The short answer is no, the long answer is that it depends! A lot of assets on this website have been drawn by me for this
blog specifically, and I do not authorize people to use them for their own projects. Since it would be too much work to indicate
which assets are made by me and which ones aren't, I would prefer you simply abstain from using them just in case.
If there is some specific assets you really like, feel free to reach out to me and ask if you can use them! : )
Blinkies and stamps are an exception, you can use those without asking!
Can I use your website as inspiration? 
Of course! It goes without saying that copying it or ripping parts of my code is not appreciated.
However, as long as you are just using my website as inspiration or as a reference to make your own layout, go ahead!!
Taking inspiration from others is a necessary part of the creative process, and I feel honored when what I make inspires others.
In fact, if you take inspiration from my blog do let me know, I would love to check out what you came up with!!
If you notice an asset I'm not allowed to use.. 
..Please let me know! I really don't want to have stuff on my site that I'm not permitted to use, and I do my best to make sure
that it doesn't happen. However, it can be tricky sometimes, since artwork that requires credits to be used might be reuploaded
on F2U libraries, or I might mistake really good fanart for official artwork and think it's free game.
So please reach out and let me know if it happens! I'll be more than happy to remove it from the website.