
Neocities: link

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Welcome to Ivyswell Tavern!

This is my personal blog dedicated to everything I love. Old videogames, full-moon nights, ivy growing on walls, emo music, crows, vampires,... Rubik's cubes, even. Quite some stuff!

Why Ivyswell Tavern? I'm an avid DnD player and taverns are a big part of DnD culture, being the conventional starting point for adventures and campaigns. While the well and overall gloomy but funky atmosphere are inspired by my favorite game, Majora's Mask.

The site was coded on Notepad++ and tested on Firefox on a 1920x1200 monitor! Please let me know if there any display issues on other browsers or screen resolutions, so I can attempt to fix them :)
This site does NOT contain auto-play sounds or flashing graphics, and it should be safe for those with light-sensitivity. If you want to know more about the site, you can visit the infopoint!

"Welcome! I'm Kie, the innkeeper.
I hope you enjoy your stay here at the tavern! It's pretty cold out there tonight, isn't it?"
Check out this page!
Sign the guestbook!
06/03/2024 : Minor changes across the site.
05/02/2025 : Updated the Stamps hoard. Added more filters.
19/12/2024 : Minor changes across the site.
14/12/2024 : Updated the header artwork. Minor changes to the homepage navbar.
04/11/2024 : Fixed the mobile layout for the Homepage, which was broken from previous changes.
22/10/2024 : Minor graphic changes on the Blog.
19/10/2024 : Added the Resources section. Minor changes to other pages to fix issues with HTML syntax.
17/10/2024 : Reworked the graphics of the About me page. Made it mobile-friendly as well.
12/10/2024 : Added the Game Log!
01/10/2024 : Reworked the Infopoint and 88x31 map. They now fit the theme of the Homepage and have a fully functional navbar.
30/09/2024 : Updated the Writings section to make it mobile-friendly. Added more stamps to the Stamps hoard.
29/09/2024 : Added more stamps to the Stamps hoard. Made some minor graphic changes to the Homepage.
24/09/2024 : Added the Stamps hoard to the collections.
23/09/2024 : Added the collections page along with the first collection (CDs). Updated the Homepage and Blog page to make them mobile-friendly.
18/09/2024 : Uploaded the new hompeage. It still needs some cosmetic changes but it's fully functional. Removed the Sitemap page.
15/09/2024 : Started remaking the Homepage from scratch.
14/09/2024 : Modified the Art Gallert page to make it fully functional on mobile.
13/09/2024 : Added the Art Gallery page.
11/09/2024 : Added the Writings page.
09/09/2024 : Updated the Blog page.
05/09/2024 : Added the Blog page. Remade the navigation menu
28/08/2024 : Added the About Me page.
24/08/2024 : Added the 88x31 and sitemap pages. Also updated the main page.
23/08/2024 : Added the infopoint page.
20/08/2024 : Started working on the website.
02/01 Latest artwork!
Take the tavern with you on your journeys!